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This’ll do.

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As per usual, I’ve fallen off the map for months at a time. This time I’ve sprung back up in Plano, Tx. Bentley and I are settled in and enjoying some morning adventures, one of which led us to this sunrise. Well done, God.


Bentley seems to have discovered a way to make his ears levitate. Also I think his nose may be getting longer.


Last week Mom and I took a field trip down to the Dallas Arboretum. Apparently every school child in DFW also took a field trip there that day, but it was fun nevertheless.



Working on some fun new stuff I’m not ready to talk about yet, but as per usual, hopefully I’ll be blogging and vlogging again soon. Texas is heating up quickly so some indoor creativity might be in order.



That’s all for now!


Vlog #7 – This is why you rent cameras | Beagle Weekend | Sony a6500

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I figured while I have the a6500 for a few more days I should turn around another quick vlog. I love renting new gear to play with. The a6500 is a great camera, but I think it really just made me love my a7ii more. Plenty of beagle in this one too. Enjoy.

Also, this is the face looking at me while I’m filming these.


And a little black a white while we’re at it.


And if you missed last week’s vlog check out here!


Vlog #6 – Love the a6500, Hate the RX100 V, Slow-mo fun in the woods

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Managed to get Vlog #6 out tonight. I’m trying out the a6500 for a few days and so far it’s a pretty sweet camera. This is my first go at slow-mo footage (120fps) but I’m learning fast hopefully. See what you think.

I love this particular trail that runs behind my apartment and I’m trying to really soak it in before picking up and heading to Dallas in April. This turned out to be a nice shot, rather mirkwood-esque I’d say.


The a6500 is a pretty impressive camera. I’m not overwhelmed by the stills just because I’m used to the full-frame a7ii but after spending a day with it, the a6500 is no slouch. Hopefully the video above speaks for itself.

And of course, a camera test wouldn’t be complete without some beagle in it.



That’s all I got for now.


Dealing with frustration using photography

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When I’m frustrated with what I’m working on, I play with my camera. This morning it’s After Effects that is sending me back into the warm embrace of my Sony a7ii. I’m just going to come out and say it: After Effects’ user experience blows.


I don’t use lens hoods. They just sit on my desk.


First beagle photo of the day. There will be more

So I’m new to After Effects and attempting to learn it, but I’m also a UI designer and while I like a good dark UI, my issue with After Effects’ UI is that it’s TINY. Like ridiculous tiny. There are so many little toolbars with icons shoved together and then large sweeping fields of space where there’s absolutely nothing. This is the worst use of screen space I’ve seen in quite a while. Now I know that they have to shove a lot of crap into this thing to make it work for video guys, but come on. Where’s the UI scale preference? Where’s the intelligence to say “Hey look, this guy has a big-ass 5k monitor, maybe lets spread out, why not”? Come on Adobe, this isn’t your first time.

Screenshot 2018-01-23 09.49.09.png

All I’m saying is how can there be this much junk on the screen and I still can’t figure out how to set a keyframe? End of song.


I’m a wimp when it’s cold

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I sprang out of bed on Saturday ready to go to the Dog Park, partly because Bentley and I had been cooped up inside the house for four freezing cold days but also because I was ready to take some pictures of dogs. I keep trying to get decent dog pictures out of my Sony a7ii. The a7ii is generally the best camera I’ve ever owned and I absolutely love shooting with it, but I’ve had a few situation where the autofocus lets me down, and trying to focus a dog running toward the camera from a few feet away has been one of them. Anyway, I was excited to get to the dog park to take some photos and it sounded like the weather was going to be nice. But as it turned out it was cold, windy, wet and generally gross and I, having only worn a hoodie, spent the entire time shivering and complaining instead of actually attempting to make a photo. Long story short, the only image I got was this one on the way there of Chloe being anxious while Katy was inside a gas station, but ya know, it’s not half bad.

The moral of this fairly mundane story is that there still, in 2018, is no such thing as a perfect camera. You pick them for what they give you and what they’re good at. All it takes is one fun, unexpected shot to renew your deep and undying love for your camera…until the next model comes out.


Vlog #5 – React Responsive DOM, Bentley excapes into the woods

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This week I’m rambling about the potential of using react components to transform the DOM responsively to different display sizes. I think there’s some fun to be had there. Beagle and I are keeping warm and busy  during this ridiculous cold that just blew in. Hope you enjoy!


Dat face tho…

Also I forgot to post last week’s vlog, so here it is!

Drop me a comment and let me know what new web dev/design stuff you’re thinking about, or anything really! Tatty-byes.